Small Vertical Cut in Small Cyst #23 (11)
The patient is a 35-year-old, healthy female. The small cyst was discovered after the patient had experienced occasional pain and discomfort in the period 3 months prior.
Endo treatment was performed and 4 months later no change had occurred. The small cyst was still there. We did a root resection of tooth #23 (11), using the small vertical soft tissues cut, recommended for a small inflammatory lesion (up to diameter about 6-7 mm). Preparation of the root canal was performed with backfill with MTA. The cyst was removed and was confirmed as a radicular cyst with histopathology examination.
The bone defect was filled with Bond Apatite®. Follow up 4 months post-op showed good remodeling of the bone and soft tissue healing. The vertical cut is very easy to perform and to suture.