
Laboratory Based Cotinine Testing and Oral Fluid Collection for Health and Wellness
Only the pioneers of oral fluid testing could make cotinine testing this accurate, this easy.
OraSure [ OraSure ]
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Why test for cotinine?
Cotinine is the major metabolite of nicotine and is usually the test of choice to evaluate tobacco use or exposure to tobacco smoke because it is stable and is only produced when nicotine is metabolized. The presence of cotinine in an individual’s sample may indicate the use of tobacco products or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Testing may be used in a number of situations to evaluate the possible use of tobacco products such as:
• Smoking cessation programs
• Prospective employment assessments
• Evaluations of applicants for health or life insurance
• Health and wellness programs
Why oral fluid testing?
• Laboratory results comparable to urine testing
• Collect anytime, anywhere
• Significant reduction in downtime for sample collection
• Preserves employee dignity with non-invasive collection process
Why is tobacco control important?
• The adverse health consequences of tobacco use compromise the quality of life of many Americans and impose substantial direct and indirect economic costs on society.
• The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 438,000 deaths, or nearly 1 of every 5 deaths, each year in the United States.
• Smoking-attributable losses in productivity are estimated to be $92 billion per year in the United States.
Why are smoking cessation programs so important?
• Smoking cessation greatly reduces the short- and long-term risks of smoking-related disease and death for men and women of any age.
• Only between 4% and 7% of smokers who attempt to quit without some type of smoking cessation program are successful.
• Studies conducted on smoking cessation programs have reported up to a 76% success rate when smoking cessation programs are utilized.
Collection Procedure - Simple Oral Fluid Collection
Step 1 Collect Sample

Place the pad between the cheek and gum for 2-5 minutes.
Step 2 Insert the device into the buffer

Snap off the wand. Replace the cap and send to the lab via regular mail.
Step 3: Lab Testing
The lab processes the sample and runs a screening enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test. Results in one day after sample is received by lab.
Why test for cotinine?
Cotinine is the major metabolite of nicotine and is usually the test of choice to evaluate tobacco use or exposure to tobacco smoke because it is stable and is only produced when nicotine is metabolized. The presence of cotinine in an individual’s sample may indicate the use of tobacco products or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Testing may be used in a number of situations to evaluate the possible use of tobacco products such as:
• Smoking cessation programs
• Prospective employment assessments
• Evaluations of applicants for health or life insurance
• Health and wellness programs
Why oral fluid testing?
• Laboratory results comparable to urine testing
• Collect anytime, anywhere
• Significant reduction in downtime for sample collection
• Preserves employee dignity with non-invasive collection process
Why is tobacco control important?
• The adverse health consequences of tobacco use compromise the quality of life of many Americans and impose substantial direct and indirect economic costs on society.
• The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 438,000 deaths, or nearly 1 of every 5 deaths, each year in the United States.
• Smoking-attributable losses in productivity are estimated to be $92 billion per year in the United States.
Why are smoking cessation programs so important?
• Smoking cessation greatly reduces the short- and long-term risks of smoking-related disease and death for men and women of any age.
• Only between 4% and 7% of smokers who attempt to quit without some type of smoking cessation program are successful.
• Studies conducted on smoking cessation programs have reported up to a 76% success rate when smoking cessation programs are utilized.
Collection Procedure - Simple Oral Fluid Collection
Step 1 Collect Sample

Place the pad between the cheek and gum for 2-5 minutes.
Step 2 Insert the device into the buffer

Snap off the wand. Replace the cap and send to the lab via regular mail.
Step 3: Lab Testing
The lab processes the sample and runs a screening enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test. Results in one day after sample is received by lab.