Healthy Smile Healthy Heart Articles
VIDEO Shirley Gutkowski - perky perio presentationVIDEO The View - Whoopi Goldberg on oral health
Wellness: Cost and risk associated with obesity
Wellness: The Perfect Fit For Your Dental Practice
Why Set Up Your Dental Practice Into a Wellness Center_.pdf
Why should dentists do in-office blood screenings_.pdf
Why would a patient want this test done at a dental office rather than aphysician's office_.pdf
Recommended In Office Blood Testing.pdf
Questions onDental Office Blood Testing HS CRP, HB A1C, Lipid Testing.pdf
Innovative Blood Collection, Transportation, and Processing Methods.pdf
Blood Pressure Morning Hypertension.pdf
Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor.pdf
Florida Probe Brochure.pdf
Go Probe AT-A-GLANCE.pdf
Go Probe Show Specials.pdf
HydraBrush Flyer.pdf
2-Tone flyer.pdf
A new Paradiagm for Dentistry and Medicine.pdf
Minimal Intervention Blood testing in the dental office.pdf
The Oral-Systemic Connection.pdf
Diabetes in Control.pdf
A new Role for Hemoglobin A1c.pdf
Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease with Pravastatin in Men with Hypercholesterolemia.pdf
New Thinking on How to Protect the Heart.pdf
Gum Disease is Killing Our Patients (and Our Profession is About to be Busted)
Journal of Periodontology and The American Journal of Cardiology
Dental Medical Cross Coding
AJC JOP Concensus Report