Bond Apatite Bone Graft Clinical Cases
1 Product, 2 Solutions – A New Perspective
2 Phase Total Maxillary Rehabilitation with Bone Reconstruction and an All-on-6
All-on-6 with Zygomatics Implants and Immediate Loading
All-on-Six Upper Jaw and Four Locator Implants Lower Jaw
Alveolar Ridge Augmentation with Simultaneous Implant Insertion
Apicoectomy of the 5th Sextant
Apicoectomy Root Resection
Apicoectomy #46 (30) on Bisphosphonates
Atrophic ridge, Densah, Bond Apatite, scalloped gingiva
Augma Lateral Augmentation Clinical Case
Augma Maxillary Rehabilitation with Locater Abutments Clinical Case
Augma Ridge Expansion & Socket Grafting Clinical Case
Augma Socket Grafting Clinical Case
Augmentation post Extraction and cyst enucleation using Bond Apatite® cement
Augmentation post-implant failure
Advancement Genioplasty Utilizing Augma Bond Apatite®
Bilateral Open Sinus Lift
Bimaxillary Immediate Loading with Keratinized Tissue and Bone Gain with Augma Bone Cement – Part 1 – Maxilla
Bimaxillary Immediate Loading with Keratinized Tissue and Bone Gain with Augma Bone Cement – Part 2 – Mandible
Bimaxillary Surgery with Augma Bond ApatiteŽ
Bone Augmentation in extracted site with buccal plate deficiency using Bond Apatite®
Bone reconstruction after removal of a broken implant
Bone Regeneration of a 3 Wall Bone Defect in Aesthetic Zone
Bone ridge reconstruction after failed implants removal
Buccal Clinical Case
Buccal Clinical Case (Mariano Estrada)
Buccal Clinical Case (Michael Katzap)
Case of Distal Root Apicoectomy #46 (30)
Central Ossifying Fibroma of the Anterior Mandible
Closed Sinus Lift with Augma Bond Apatite
Complex Rehabilitation
Complications in Endo Treatment – Root Canal Perforation #35 (20)
Cyst Clinical Case
Cyst #15 (4)
Cyst of the Right Maxilla and Prosthetic Restoration
Cysts Enucleation and Simultaneous Bone Augmentation
Endodontic Microsurgery of Tooth
Endodontic Surgery Clinical Case (Damian Dudek)
Expansive Lesion of the Right Maxilla Extraction and Immediate Reconstruction with Augma Bond Apatite®
Explant Piezo & Augma
Extensive 3D bone deficiency in the aesthetic zone upper jaw Augmented by Bond Apatite®
Extensive Ridge Deficiency Reconstructing by Bond Apatite®
Extractions and Immediate Implant Placement
Extraction, Immediate Implant, Augma & Augma Shield™
Extraction of an Impacted Tooth, Regeneration with Bond Apatite®
Extraction of an upper canine with loss of the buccal plate by Bond Apatite®
Extraction of an upper canine with loss of the buccal plate by using Bond Apatite®
Extraction of Tooth #31 (47) and GBR with Bond Apatite®
Extraction, Augma and Implants
Extraction, Immediate Implants & Hard & Soft Tissue Augmentation
Extraction, GBR and Implant with Bond Apatite® and Augma Shield™
Extraction, Immediate Implantation, Bone Augmentation & Provisory Rehabilitation
Extraction and Cyst Enucleation – Tooth #22 (10)
Failing URQ Bridge Extraction & Augma
Four Implants with Locator System
Fractured Canine Buccal Plate Reconstruction
Fracture of Root #13 (6) Immediate Implant Placement with Bond Apatite
Fracture of Root #46 (30) with Augmentation
Full Arch Reconstruction – Live Surgery Video
Full Arch Rehabilitation of the Maxilla with an Immediate All-on-4
GBR and Implant Placement #35 (20), #36 (19), #37 (18)
GBR with Augma Bond Apatite
GBR with Bond Apatite
GBR with Bond Apatite® Extraction, Grafting and Implant
Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation with Immediate Implant Placement
Horizontal Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation with Augma Bond Apatite®
Horizontal Bone Augmentation with Immediate Implant Placement
Horizontal Bone Construction in Upper, Lateral Incisors
Horizontal GBR Procedure with Bond Apatite®
Immediate Implant of the Left Central Incisor Using the PET Technique & Immediate Loading
Immediate Implants of the 2 Upper Central Incisors with Immediate Load
Immediate Implant Placement in the Anterior area using Augma Bond Apatite®
Immediate Implant with Bond Apatite®
Immediate Implant with Horizontal Augmentation and Immediate Loading
Immediate Implant with Immediate Load in the Aesthetic Zone
Immediate Loading in an Atrophied Maxilla
Immediate Loading of Edentulous Mandible with Implant Failure Fixed with Bond Apatite®
Immediate Loading in the Aesthetic Zone
Immediate Loading in the Aesthetic Zone of Tooth #11
Immediate Loading in the Aesthetic Zone of Tooth #21
Immediate Mandibular All-on-5 with Immediate Load
Immediate Rehabilitation of 3 Incisors in the Aesthetical Zone
Immediate Rehabilitation of the 4 Lower Incisors with Immediate Load
Immediate Rehabilitation of the Fifth Sextant with Immediate Load
Implant and Augma in the Aesthetic Zone
Implant in the Aesthetic Zone with Bone Reconstruction and Immediate Load
Implant Removal & Bilateral Zygoma
Implants and Grafts
Infected & Broken Canine: Extraction, Graft & Implants
Invaginated Tooth #12 (7)
Keratinized Tissue Gain with Augma Bone Cement
Large Cyst of the Front Maxilla
Large Cyst of the Front Right Maxilla
Lateral Augmentation
Lateral Augmentation in Mandibular Atrophy
Lateral Augmentation of Thin Alveolar Ridge – 45 (29) – #47 (31)
Lateral Ridge Augmentation of a Thin Mandible
Lateral Sinus Lift in the Pre Molar Region
Little Cyst #21 (9)
Little Cyst #36 (19)
Large Central Ossifying Fibroma of the Anterior Mandible
Management of Congenitally Missing Laterals with Extremely Narrow Ridges
Mandible Full Arch Rehabilitation with an Immediate All-on-5 and Immediate Load
Mandibular Rehabilitation with Replacement of Old Implants and Immediate All-on-4
Maxilla and Mandible Total Rehabilitation
Maxillary Rehabilitation with Immediate All-on-4
Maxillary Rehabilitation with Immediate All-on-6 (Level II Augma Grafting)
Medially Drifted Second Molar with Decay
Minimal invasive horizontal ridge augmentation with Calcium Sulfate bone cement: A case series
Open Lateral Sinus Lift Case
Oral Rehabilitation of Severe Atrophic Posterior Maxilla with Zygomatic Implant and Augma Bone Cement
Oro-antral Communication Closure
Ossifying Fibroma of the Mandible
Osteoid Osteoma in the Front of the Mandible
Periimplantitis Clinical Case
Preservation of Alveolar Socket using Bond Apatite
Preserving Natural Teeth Utilizing Zygomatic Implants and Immediate Loading
Reconstructing Old Implant Dentistry with New Modern Efficient Materials and Methods
Recurrence in #12 (7) after Treatment of 2 Big Cysts
Rehabilitation after Large Cyst Removal
Removal of Two Small Cysts with Apicoectomy and 4 Year Follow Up
Replacement of Premolars with Implants and Augma
Ridge Augmentation Prior to Implants using Augma Bond Apatite®
Ridge Preservation Clinical Case
Ridge Reconstruction Following Implant and Teeth Removal, using Bond Apatite
Right maxillary fractured molar and replacement by an implant after GBR with biphasic calcium sulfate and vertical sinus lift
Right Max Lateral PET, Augma and Implant
Single Implant Post Extraction in the Aesthetic Zone
Single Tooth Loss Beneath the Maxillary Sinus
Sinus augmentation and implants placement using Augma Bond Apatite® bone cement
Sinus Lift Clinical Case
Sinus Lift Surgery using Augma Lift™
Sinus Lift using Augma Lift™ with Implant Placement
Sinus Lift with Augma Bone Cement
Sinus Lift with Immediate Implant Placement
Sinus Lift with Immediate Implant Placement Using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bond Apatite®
Sinus Lift & Immediate Implant using the Augma Lift™ Technique
Small Cysts #12 (7) & #22 (10)
Small Vertical Cut in Small Cyst #23 (11)
Socket Grafting and Ridge Preservation Using Bond Apatite®
Socket Preservation with 3D Bond®
The Combination Syndrome
The Cyst, The High Smile, and the Flap
The Impossible Case: No Bone, No Tissue, No Bite
The Treatment of Dehiscence with Bond Apatite® in Infected Areas in Aesthetic Zone
Treatment of an ossifying fibroma of the mandible with endodontic microsurgery and grafting with a biphasic calcium sulfate material: a case report
Total Maxillary Rehabilitation in 2 Phases with Bone Reconstruction and an All-on-6 (III)
Upper Central Incisors, Augmentation and Implants
Upper Right Canine Immediate Implant with Immediate Load
Vertical sinus lift autograft and implant placement following regeneration with Bond Apatite®
Zygomatic Implants & Bond Apatite Grafting